Naturally Good for You, Your Family and Our Planet
Good for Health + Good for Business + Good for the Environment
Humanity is out of balance with nature. Climate Change and the Covid Virus are creating massive challenges to our survival on planet Earth. Having introduced thousands of people in WA to natural therapies, spirituality, personal development and eco-friendly lifestyles at the Conscious Living and Living Well in WA Expos over the past 31 years, we see the need for an event that connects people to a holistic way of living integrating wellness modalities with earth friendly technologies together with indigenous and spiritual wisdom to change attitudes, lives and, ultimately save our precious existence here on planet Earth.
Our Mission To build a vibrant community of businesses, individuals and organisations to create a thriving new economy and culture founded on love and care for one another and our precious earth.
Who is Invited to Exhibit?
Businesses that provide eco friendly services and products, health and wellbeing practitioners and products, environmentally sustainable technologies and solutions, community and Not for Profit organisations, indigenous businessses and organizations, artists and authors, makers and craftspeople, conservation and community groups, government bodies, schools, and educational institutions.
1. Meet Your Target Market Cost Effectively.
Exhibitions are one of the most cost-effective means of getting your in front of your target market Showcase your business or organization at Conscious Living Expo, and you will meet and engage with hundreds of people who are most definitely your target market. These are 75% women aged 25 years to 75 years who are choosing to create a healthy sustainable way of life for themselves and their families. They are people who care about the health and wellbeing of life on Earth.
2. Make Face to Face Sales
Personal face-to-face marketing is proven to be the most cost-effective method of building trust to gain and retain customers. The Expo provides you with immediate access to potential customers to ask them direct what it is they want and how you can best supply their needs. You can collect their details and build your database.
3. Have Immediate Impact
Exhibitions are one of the fastest ways to reach your target market. With hundreds of visitors walking past your booth, you can achieve more in two days at this Expo than you may normally achieve in months.
4. Access Genuine Buyers
Customers are coming to this Expo because they are interested to know about your business, your vision and how you are making a contribution to sustainable living! They are looking to purchase products, gifts and services for their home and family. You just need to show that your product is their solution!
5. Network with other professionals and businesses in your industry
This Expo is an ideal opportunity to meet and connect with local and interstate exhibitors who are involved in your industry. Broaden your contacts and knowledge, create valuable business connections and opportunities, share ideas and collaborate.
6.Boost your Profile and Brand
Make yourself and your products and services more visible to your customers. Your business reputation will be greatly enhanced through being associated with this environmentally sustainable and change making event.